Thursday, 16 July 2009

mari belajar bersama-sama...

hari nie... kiter akan belajar advance financial accounting...

topic 1 - deferred taxation
i should be able to:-
1. identify the nature of income tax
2. differentiate between permanent and timing differences
3. appreciate the tax consequences of temporary difference
4. compute the amount of deffer tax liabilities and assets
5. differentiate between partial provision and full provision methods for deffer tax allocation
6. apply the requirements of FRS 112 Income Taxes.

topic 2 - accounting for employee benefits
i should be able to:-
1. define employee benefits
2. describe the different categories of employee benefits
3. differentiate between contribution plans and benefits plan
4. define the short term and long term employee benefits
5. apply the requirements of FRS 119 employee benefits

topic 3 - the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates
i should be able to:-
1. define and identify the accounts for transaction and balances in foreign currencies
2. translate the results and financial position of foreign operations
3. translate an enterprise's result and financial position onto a presentation currency
4. apply the requirements of FRS 12 to the effect of changes in Foreign Exchange Rates.

nie baru huraikan wat i should be able to do after reading the notes... as for now... i do not know anything.... owhhhhh.... i need a luck.... seriously...


Unknown said...

i lagi la know nothing. yg faham translate on the USS Enterprise of the Star Ship Troopers....


seriously... good luck =)

Net said...

yg tu i tak tau... hahaha...

btw thks...