Thursday, 24 December 2015

Cameron Highlands revisited

it's a very short trip. started our journey at 9.30am.. (it supposed to be early than that. however.. being me.. lalalala..)

what makes our journey slightly late than planned is.. im busy googling possible places to visit. even i visited CH.. but it was many many moons ago man.. it might changed.

from Petaling Jaya to Tapah exit than climb up to CH. from Tapah to CH took more than 1.5hours (if im not mistaken due to the road condition and school holiday..)

you will be arrived at ringlet town.. tanah rata and lastly brinchang..

our first stop is strawberry farm! its a must.. even i've experienced it before.. still i wanna do it again.. being so childish sometimes is not wrong at all.. hehehe

due to school holidays.. it might not be the best rate to pick your own strawberry.. RM50 per kg. then again.. u pay for the experience kan.. why not?.

oh btw.. i stopped at the so not popular farm. and its the best rate during school holidays..

my second stop is cactus point. i didnt enter the farm. i stopped to buy cactus (i think IKEA offered a better price than CH.. hehehe)

the red and green cactus cost me RM6.5 and the other one RM2.. i also bought the soil for cactus for RM3 per 2 liter.

our third pit stop is time tunnel.. worth RM5 per entry.  very historic and antique.

phewww.. kind of tiring also (due to heavy traffic.. like verrryyy.. ) and we decided to go for tea time at the smokehouse.. 

the smokehouse was build to give the expatriate kind of hotel or guest house during the British days feel at home since they can only fly back home once every eight years.. 

i ordered chamomile tea.. (soooo english kan..) and share the fresh fruit crumble. the fresh fruit crumble served with custard sauce..

personally i like the fresh fruit crumble (even the peach is not a fresh peach)

thats all. what missing here are:-
1. the blueberry earthouse (fail to locate the location. CH too pack.. dont wanna stucked in the traffic again. thats why we decided not to turn and find)
2. lavendar garden (again.. fail to locate the location)
3. roses.. i dont see any roses. i wonder where are the roses gone.. i dont see people selling roses too.. or am i going to the wrong CH?
4. fresh veges.. i remembered when i first came to CH theres a lot of vege.. but today?? or maybe i came at the wrong hour..

1 comment:

nhuthuy said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như địa chỉ bán máy đưa võng ở đâu uy tín.