Saturday, 8 August 2009


esok ada exam... final untuk semester nie... malasnya nak baca buku... kan best kalau buku tu direndam dan rebus pastu minum otomatik boleh jadi genius... kan best kalau aku tak payah baca buku tapi boleh jawab exam... kan best kalau aku genius...

tapi hakikatnya... aku dah tak larat nak baca buku... kemalasan yang melampau... bukak je buku... mata pun kecik... pegang je buku... otomatik mata pun kecik sampai tak boleh nak bukak.. bencinya...

sampai setakat nie... aku masih lagi tak tau apa isi kandungan buku yang aku baca tu... mengong tak mengong la aku kan...

kesimpulannya... i need coffee... supaya aku dapat berjaga dan membaca buku... menghafal segala macam FRS dalam modul tu... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... tak suka!! tak suka!! tak suka!!...

-edit : 7.02pm-

im alone in the house with books all over the floor...

stress level : 1/5

-edit : 8.41pm-

subject: advanced financial accounting

topic 7: accounting for leases

i should able to:-
1. define leases
2. differentiate between finance lease and operating lease
3. identify account for finance & operating leases in the lessee's book
4. state the account for finance & operating leases in the lessor's book
5. identify account for sale & leaseback transaction
6. apply the requirements of FRS 117 Leases, with respect to recording & disclosure

as for now... im lost!!! muahahaha...

stress level : 1/5

-edit : 11.32pm-

28 mins to 12 am @ 9 august 2009... n im still lost...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

5:32am... membaca doa sebelom tido... wishing you all the bestest good luck in history ;p