Tuesday, 1 January 2019

2019 la..

Time of the year again. It’s a new year. Nothing is new. I live the same life. The same environment. Everything is the same, except for yhe year.

Anyway.. It’s kinda weird if I didn’t have a new year resolutions. But before that, let’s recap!

1. Defense proposal! It’s a must I guess! If it is not in Mar, maybe June or July. Before the 5th semester end. Btw, the new house loan cost me fortune. So I have to be able to serve th loan. Hence the DBA is important to me.. 🤣

Well.. I did not managed to defence my proposal. However, I managed to write a full report of my proposal and submitted to Dr Mazz before the year ended. 

It was an achievement! Indeed it was. Even sometimes (read all the time) I lost focus on my study.. But still I managed to write something on the blank paper.

2. I wanna run at least 1 FM, 1 road Ultra and 1 trail Ultra. Ok this is sooo crazy! It’s ok if I don’t achieve this. Theres always next year.. 😑

I ran 2 FMs, I road ultra and 1 trail ultra. It was crazy! Trust me! The training, the preparation, the post event.. Everything was crazy. But I like it. Very much!

3. Vacation - 1 local destination & 1 overseas. I wanna see the world! I do not wish to stuck in my shell forever.

I went to Perlis and Yogjakarta! Wehooo!!

4. Apply Konmarie method for my cocoon I called a home.

Kihkihkih.. This is not happening..

Therefore, for another 365 days of my life.. I would like to..

1. Defence my proposal before second quarter of the year. It is a must. I need to realign and focus. Focus on how to reach the finishing line.. Oh btw, I found out that the daily planner is very helpful. I feel guilty to myself if I didn’t do anything on that day.

2. Have a winter holiday! Time to save some money dear me.. Europe trip perhaps? Or maybe Oz?

Well, that’s what I wish to happen in 365 days. Other than that, it’s a bonus..

Oh before I forgot.. #misi40kg is still on even I didn’t write it as part of my resolution. I am 45.7kg today. Let see how many kgs I lost later (macam tak boleh je ni) 

Till next posting! Happy new year everyone.

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