Tuesday, 17 February 2009

tagged from Ane J

#1 describe 10 things about person who tagged you
#2 describe 10 things about you.
#3 At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names..

10 things about the person who tagged me..

sorry ane.. i only knew u r...
1. daughter of Jalaludin Hassan
2. Aty's kakak

10 things about me...
1. stubborn
2. perasan cantik... so pls dun hate me coz i'm beautiful... hehehe... ayat wada nie aku copy..
3. drove a Kelisa...
4. originally from Klang...
5. mix blood with Chinese...
6. always wanted to be skinny...
7. kedekut...
8. love branded items...
9. love my nieces very much
10. love my family very much... i cant live without them...

10 people to be tagged..
No one... kiter tak bnyk kwn dlm blog... huhu


Zaty J, said...

ane? akk aty ke? haha. kdding2

amadterk said...

weh bob,kita ada mix chinese ke?
ak tak tau and tak sure oh.hahahaha.

Olpicture said...

know what net, i jumpa dvd Sangam kat speedy last week, and beli... leh la nak pinjam! mesti u tengok sedu sedan punyer!

wada said...

oi bob.. kite ade nephews ke?
xtau la plak.. setau aku nieces pning lalat 2 eko tu ade r..

ko x mat.. sbab ko anak apo nene ktrg kutip dlm tomg smpah.. time tu kaknyah lapa gile dia cacat g caik mkn dlm tong smph pstu tejumpe baby.. rupenye tu ko..